Baccarat Baccarat Zarrow Shuffle


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Zarrow Shuffle

Having already discussed the sky shuffle, let’s describe another technique called the Zarrow Shuffle, named after Herb Zarrow, a famous card magician. Whereby the sky shuffle riffles the top half onto the bottom half, restoring the complete order, the Zarrow shuffles the top half (the slug) under one or

more random cards. One advantage with this false shuffle is that it requires less shielding with the hands. Its more difficult to teach, and therefore not as widely used, but has proven to be an effective alternative.

The mechanics are as follows. Cutting the top half to the right, the cards are riffled at the tips (Fig. I). In the act of squaring the deck, the top cards are pulled out and slid under the top card or two of the lefthand side (Fig. 2). The entire right half remains intact, as well as most of the left half. A couple of good, fake squaring actions complete the move. With some practice, the false shuffle closely emulates an actual riffle. Like the sky shuffle, it, too, can be difficult to detect from overhead.

Now let’s look at an entire shuffling procedure to show you when the false shuffles occur. For the time being, assume no wash or shuffle-check, as I'll show you methods to bypass both procedures in> moment.

RFhej(pfocedure bbnsists of a first pass dilution shuffle and a second pass standard shuffle. Each grab will be riffled orie time, and if more than one riffle is required, then the false shuffle is repeated.


The first deck played and disCarded4sjtl^ftarg(et[Slug: Itfls recorded, and the game continues. Its time for the shuffle. The decks are centered and split,: top half to the right (Fig|3). After a grab from each side is riffled, the dilution process begins with center/right griabs,;then center/left grabs (Fig. 4). There’s one raffle remaining toVcomplete theifirst'pass. The last packets are graBbed||vith the slug packet going on top. Cutting heavy to the right and shuffling under a few. cards in the lefthand packet, the first Zarrow occurs (Fig. 5) '. The cards are squared and placed on top of the center pile. The first pass is complete, and the slug, outside of a few random cards on top, sitsfuppem eight-deck pile.

The decks are split into two piles for the second pass, the top half goirig!toVtne right (Fig.'6). The slug is grabbed with the right hand, a smaller packet grabbed with the left, and the second Zarrow
occurs now (Fig, 7). The slug is squared, centered, and the shuffle continues.

All the remaining shuffles are legitimate. When the entire procedure is complete, the slug will rest in the bottom one to two decks (depending on the grab size), which is the only information the crew needs (Fig. 8). The cards are cut safely above the slug, and Once the first few key cards show during the deal, it’s time to act on the1 information by playing and betting accordingly.

Whereas a shuffle tracker might look tp cut an advantageous slug to the front of the'Shoe, a slug crew may not. Deeper in the deck is preferred. This allows more time to frame the action, and more time to slowly increase the bets until the slug hits, which looks more natural. Once the slug hits, the next thirty to forty cards provide the cheaters with the guarantee of winning ias many hands as the slug lasts.