Roulette Bombastic


Trusted Member
Well now, this is a 18 numbers bet, played with splits, in a progressive bet. It's too early to say anything definite yet, although i won 8/10 from the first test, this luck can quickly change,(more testing is needed!) I know from earlier experience...

Procedure: For each new DOZEN hit, bet 3 splits within that doz; --bet the 2 unhit splits within the Doublestreet hit, AND the 1 split within the unhit split of the columnstreet hit.

When 1 doz (3 splits are bet) no progression, when 2 doz are bet (6 splits) +1u bet for each loss, (when hit within the 2 doz bet) when 3 doz are bet, double bets once,(and keep the same bet in progressionline from the 2 doz bet) then double bets for each loss, until hit.

Bankroll needed: 100u playing with 1u bets..

Played with 1u bets, (wingoal +100, stoploss -100u)

8/10 Games won


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