Here is your stage.
So you play Hi Opt II as one aspect of your strategy for shoes. This goes against conventional wisdom of PE instead of BC concentration on shoes. The majority of strength from Hi Opt II comes from getting significantly more out of a select few indices as opposed to "playall." Hence, dollars that increase hold far more value than dimes that bounce.
Now the million dollar secret is your BC equation
that represents the other half of your strategy. You've mentioned that Aces are given significantly more value than tens. Depending on the term "significant" it would benefit BC. Plus you've elimated having to side count the Ace.
I don't see why you couldn't SIM both in CV Data to come up with a SCORE.
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So you play Hi Opt II as one aspect of your strategy for shoes. This goes against conventional wisdom of PE instead of BC concentration on shoes. The majority of strength from Hi Opt II comes from getting significantly more out of a select few indices as opposed to "playall." Hence, dollars that increase hold far more value than dimes that bounce.
Now the million dollar secret is your BC equation
that represents the other half of your strategy. You've mentioned that Aces are given significantly more value than tens. Depending on the term "significant" it would benefit BC. Plus you've elimated having to side count the Ace.
I don't see why you couldn't SIM both in CV Data to come up with a SCORE.
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